Sunday, November 17, 2013

Environmental Studies in the Seniors 2013

This year the senior syndicate have been learning about the environment - the definition and the society of an environment.

This is what we've learned -  definition of environment:

The environment can be a habitat for animals. It can be a place where communities and societies can be created and can gather for example: school, classrooms, shopping centers, gardens ( outdoors ), etc. 
An environment can also be your home.
Everywhere you go is an environment. 
Plants in your environment produce more clean oxygen and that is why we need trees to breathe and to use as resources.

We've been learning about waste wise:

Basically waste wise is just like the 3 R's: Reduce,Reuse and Recycle. We learnt to describe and define the 3 R's. For homework we made projects out of waste to show the 3 R's. We had to write a short piece of writing to go with our project.  

BY: Elise, Rebekah and Ysabel Rm12

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Outside in Term 4


                                IN THE GARDEN 

Outside in the garden caterpillars have been eating the plants they ate all the leaves of one plant and now it's so bare only a stalk remains. They have been eating all the cabbage so we have had to move them to the butterfly house. There have been huge beans growing too! We found a fallen bean and we saw lots of beans inside. At the moment there are few chrysalis in the butterfly house.  Broccoli are starting to grow... The cabbages are massive and the beans are huge!!! 

  By Ysabel, Elise and Rebekah