Sunday, November 17, 2013

Environmental Studies in the Seniors 2013

This year the senior syndicate have been learning about the environment - the definition and the society of an environment.

This is what we've learned -  definition of environment:

The environment can be a habitat for animals. It can be a place where communities and societies can be created and can gather for example: school, classrooms, shopping centers, gardens ( outdoors ), etc. 
An environment can also be your home.
Everywhere you go is an environment. 
Plants in your environment produce more clean oxygen and that is why we need trees to breathe and to use as resources.

We've been learning about waste wise:

Basically waste wise is just like the 3 R's: Reduce,Reuse and Recycle. We learnt to describe and define the 3 R's. For homework we made projects out of waste to show the 3 R's. We had to write a short piece of writing to go with our project.  

BY: Elise, Rebekah and Ysabel Rm12

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Outside in Term 4


                                IN THE GARDEN 

Outside in the garden caterpillars have been eating the plants they ate all the leaves of one plant and now it's so bare only a stalk remains. They have been eating all the cabbage so we have had to move them to the butterfly house. There have been huge beans growing too! We found a fallen bean and we saw lots of beans inside. At the moment there are few chrysalis in the butterfly house.  Broccoli are starting to grow... The cabbages are massive and the beans are huge!!! 

  By Ysabel, Elise and Rebekah 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Travelwise Day by Ayvalon

In the morning when I got to school I went straight to Room 15 because the travelwise ambassadors were going to a special programme where we would learn lots of safety tips.

After 15 minutes it was time to go. I went in Miss Frazer's car. Half an hour later we got there but in the car I had pictured it completely differently!

Inside we had to write are names on a little piece of paper and we got a free pencil case! In it there was a pen, a few badges and a really cute small bike.

We got into a group and went to the gym (I know- a gym!) My favourite activity was when you got into a group of 5. You got one helmet per group and one person in the group put the helmet on. The rest used a sheet of paper and followed the step-by-step guide on how to put the helmet on properly.
We did that for abut 15 minutes.

We got some free morning tea and lunch! I had heaps of fun. Thats all I can tell you today!
By Ayvalon.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

EcoFest Event

EcoFest (north) is happening from 1-31 March.  Around 100 workshops, fun activities, open days, walks and talks across the North Shore to help you learn more about how to make small changes for the benefit of the planet and our communities whilst having fun along the way.  Many events are free.  Events include harbour cruises, community garden open days, workshops on organic gardening, a pub quiz, a talk on bats, a guided walk to learn about the fossil forest at Takapuna/Milford, interactive workshops on how to make your home warmer, healthier and cheaper to run, sustainability DIY workshops at Bunnings, community working bees, and guided walks to learn more about the bush.
See for full event listings and booking details.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Welcome back to 2013

Another new year starting and the school gardens are looking like they need a bit of care and attention.
After picking some garlic and a few overgrown courgettes we will probably have to dig it all up and start again fresh with the new year.
The butterfly house is thriving and a new batch of butterflies will be ready to hatch again shortly.
Worm tea is still available from Room 8 at $2.00 a bottle. See Mrs Shepheard if you would like some.
Worm tea is full of the nutrients needed by those summer vegetable crops.